AVTest, an independent IT security lab did an evaluation of 21 home user security products in July and August 2019. The test results are summarized [here].
You can click on the column headers to sort the list by performance, usability, effectiveness and rating. The ratings are all in the 1 – 6 range with a 6 being the best.
I note 3 things about the list:
- Windows Defender (included free in Windows 10) was in the top 10 tier. It is still the anti-virus product I recommend for most people.
- Avast Free 19.6 was the only other free product that was top rated.
- Malwarebytes Premium 3.8.3 was one of the lowest rated products for protection.
Obviously these ratings and rankings will change over time, but the test results give us a shoulder-to-shoulder comparison to consider if you are looking for an alternative to what you are currently using.