AVTest, an independent IT security lab did an evaluation of 21 home user security products in July and August 2019. The test results are summarized [here].

You can click on the column headers to sort the list by performance, usability, effectiveness and rating. The ratings are all in the 1 – 6 range with a 6 being the best.

I note 3 things about the list:

  1. Windows Defender (included free in Windows 10) was in the top 10 tier. It is still the anti-virus product I recommend for most people.
  2. Avast Free 19.6 was the only other free product that was top rated.
  3. Malwarebytes Premium 3.8.3 was one of the lowest rated products for protection.

Obviously these ratings and rankings will change over time, but the test results give us a shoulder-to-shoulder comparison to consider if you are looking for an alternative to what you are currently using.
